Ham Radio Logging Software

  1. Ham Radio Logging Software Comparison
  2. Ham Radio Logging Software Linux
  3. Ham Radio Logging Software Macos
Free - Amateur Radio Contest Logging Software

Updated : 8 April 2021

31 years of updates and support since 1990 : 26 years on the web, since February 1995

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HF ContestsSupported


For Windows - XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10

  1. Ham radio logging software. Logging software for the most demanding radio amateur. WSJT-X, JS8Call, MixW, FLDIGI logging, LoTW / eQSL full synch and much more.
  2. G4FAL Contest Logging 0 GenLog32 By W3KM 4 4.8 2/7/08 Ham Log Program 3 5.0 1/26/03 Ham Radio Deluxe Logbook 24 4.8 2/3/08 HAM-LOG for Windows 1 5.0 4/2/07 Hamlog 4.0 (Macintosh) 1 5.0 8/21/00 HamLogBook HyperLog 4.xx 10 3.1 10/9/07 jLog 4 5.0 2/12/08 jLog for Mac, Kinux and Windows 0 KA1VGM NetManager 2 3.0 4/25/07 KLog 3 4.7 10/31/07.
  3. Net Logging Software For Radio Amateurs and Other Radio Operators. Many radio operators participate in on-air meetings called nets. From ham radio clubs or groups of friends who want to stay in touch to emergency response and weather spotting teams practicing for emergency communications, on simplex frequencies and repeaters, both planned and spontaneous, there are on-air meetings going on.
  4. Ham radio logging software. Logging software for the most demanding radio amateur. WSJT-X, JS8Call, MixW, FLDIGI logging, LoTW / eQSL full synch and much more.
Ham Radio Logging SoftwareLogging

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'A great program. Keeping it simple is both the hard part and its greatest virtue.' K1CTT

SD is a free and unrestricted HF contest logger, with more than 280 templates supplied.

SD sets the standard for fast, simple logging and editing in the major HF international contests and in hundreds of others worldwide. It is intended for single-op unassisted entries, on both SSB and CW. There is no easier way to get started in HF contest logging - the manual (included) has only 17 pages.

SD helped me to World #1 for SO LP 80m CW in CQWW 2015.

SD runs on all versions of Windows from XP to Windows 10, with a character-based display.

How to install SD

Here is the logging line for CQ WW, with W3LPL typed in the callsign field.

  • We're logging on 40m, and the time is 15:14z
  • This is QSO #646
  • If logged, W3LPL will be a country mult (C), and a zone mult (Z)
  • This will be our third (3) QSO with W3LPL
  • The received report defaults to 599
  • The zone previously logged (5) is pre-filled
  • Our data entry mode is OVR, and mode is CW
  • The band/mult analysis shows that -
    • W3LPL has been worked on 10 and 20m
    • He is needed on 15m, but will not be a mult on that band
    • He is needed on 80 and 160m, and would be a double mult on both bands

SD supports rig control, serial and parallel keying - and integrates with WinKey to eliminate CW timing issues caused by Windows.

SD offers instant 'full-screen' editing of any QSO in your log. All SD's files, including the log, are standard ASCII text files and can be viewed with any text editor.

Following any QSO edit, no matter how complex, SD checks your complete log for consistency, and instantly updates all relevant QSOs.

This includes setting and unsetting dupe and multiplier flags, and updating area codes (zones), and points, in all QSOs as required. The information shown in the Summary Score window is correct at all times. Just try this on any other contest logger - and see the difference for yourself.

SD is the only contest logger to offer these features, in real-time, as you type individual callsign characters. There's no need to touch another key or memorise Ctrl-This or Alt-That.

  • Dupe checking
  • Country/Band analysis
  • Check Partial by prefix
  • Beam headings
  • Advance flagging of potential multipliers
  • Band/Mode analysis by callsign
  • Linked database display
  • Auto data insert (Zones and area codes)
  • Countries Worked/Wanted by Continent

    Get SD

IOTA Contest

SD supports the IOTA contest directly, and includes all the custom features that make it so efficient compared to other loggers. To do well in IOTA, you must work island stations because they're worth many times more than other QSOs. For the first fourteen years of the IOTA contest, from 1993 to 2006 inclusive, SD was the leading logger. Here are some stats.

SD sets the standard for instantly showing your band/mode status for island stations, for highlighting multiplier slots, and for ease of data entry of island references. Other loggers can't do this! IOTA is special, it needs the extra features that only SD offers.

SD identifies country and call-area, as you type individual callsign letters, and give you a real-time summary of IOTA islands (if any) worked and wanted for that country or call-area - for the current band and mode. When the country is an IOTA island with a single reference, SD auto-fills the reference.

SD gives you a worked/wanted analysis for all bands and modes when you type an IOTA reference in the callsign field - there's no need to touch another key or remember function keys or multiple keystrokes.

SD is ready now for the 2019 IOTA Contest

    Get SD

IOTA Contest Results

2018 : 2017 : 2016 : 2015 : 2014 : 2013 : 2012 : 2011 : 2010 : 2009 : 2008 : 2007 : 2006 : 2005 : 2004 : 2003 : 2002 : 2001 : 2000 : 1999 : 1998 : 1997 : 1996 :

Soapbox comments about SD/SDI for -
2011 : 2010 : 2009 : 2008 : 2007 : 2006 : 2005

Please add a link from your website to
'SD by EI5DI' at http://www.ei5di.com

    Paul EI5DI - pokane.at.ei5di.com

There is a wide variety of logging programs to choose. Some are meant only for every day logging. Others are meant specifically for contesting. Some will do both.

Awards Tracking Logging Software
Another name for ‘every day logging’ is awards tracking software. This is the one repository of your contacts where progress towards various milestones are compiled. Milestones include Worked All States, Worked 100 Contries, County Chasing, etc.

World's Most Popular Ham Radio Software for Amateur Radio Operators Ham Radio Deluxe Software - The Radio Amateur's Best Asset The Best Ham Radio Apps for Logging, Rig Control, Digital Modes, Satellite. The current release version of Ham Radio Deluxe is v6.7.0.357 (2-May 2021). Amateur Radio Software at its finest.

My personal preference for my general purpose logging software was ACLog by N3FJP. Ham Radio Deluxe is starting to get my attention, however.

The way I use ACLog is:

  • Every day contacts with individuals I enter directly into ACLog.
  • Contacts made with my Digital Mode software, MixW or Digipan, I import into ACLog using the ADIF file interchange format.
  • Contest contacts are made with a contest logger where I later import them into ACLog using the ADIF file interchange format.
  • I maintain the status of QSL cards sent and received in ACLog.

The way I use my logging software packages is all my contacts eventually wind up in ACLog. From there I can keep track of the various totals, upload to eQSL, upload to Logbook of the World (LOTW) and keep track of QSL card sent and received status.

I mentioned Ham Radio Deluxe. This is quite a full featured program. I have avoided it for many years because of some computer blue screen events while trying to run it. However, it seems to be more stable now. There is a central log window with satellite windows used for specific actions including Digital Modes and Satellite Frequency tracking. However, the one thing I like most about Ham Radio Deluxe is its ability to save the log information in a MySQL database. This, finally, divorces the log data from the proprietary database structure of most other programs. Plus, with some internet trickery, you can host the database somewhere else and that is exactly what I did. With the MySQL tables near a web server, I can now serve up QSO data live as it is saved. This is exactly what I have done and you can see my QSOs here…

There is still work to be done, but this, for me, is pretty cool.

Contest Logging
My contest loggers vary. For quick install and use, N3FJP has contest logging software customized for each supported event. This is unlike most other contest logging programs which have one base program with customizations for each contest. The latter method is certainly the more flexible way to go. However, if there is a N3FJP program for your favorite contest, it is a dirt simple way of getting quickly accustomed to that contest’s rules.

N1MM and Writelog are two contest logging programs I am starting to use more often. They have the single program model with customizations for each supported contest’s rules.

For the ARRL Field Day up through 2010 my club used the network version of the N3FJP FDNet software. Works great. Now we use N1MM in network mode when site-wide dupe checking is necessary.

Ham Radio Logging Software Comparison

We will review various titles from time to time, but for now here is a list of known titles…

Ham Radio Logging Software Linux

59+ Log, Analyzer, Converter 4 4.2 12/31/03
AALog for Windows 3.1/9x/NT 16 4.8 11/3/06
AATest 1 5.0 10/19/05
AC Log by N3FJP 99 4.9 2/2/08
AC Log by N3FJP 9 5.0 2/14/08
ARRL – Logbook of the World –
LoTW 227 3.4 2/2/08
Cab-converter v1.01 3 5.0 3/15/06
CommCat 19 4.8 2/25/07
CQRLOG for Linux 1 5.0 12/29/07
CT by K1EA 10 3.9 4/28/06
DX Tracker 4 4.5 11/29/04
DX4Win 45 4.4 7/25/07
DXBase 2000 and later versions 53 4.6 12/15/07
DXKeeper 8 4.8 8/11/06
DXLab by AA6YQ 28 4.9 1/14/08
DXLOG & ClusterLog 1 5.0 4/14/03
DXLOG / ClusterLog 0
EasyLog 8 4.9 8/16/07
Field Day Logger by N2TDK 2 4.5 6/26/01
G4FAL Contest Logging 0
GenLog32 By W3KM 4 4.8 2/7/08
Ham Log Program 3 5.0 1/26/03
Ham Radio Deluxe Logbook 24 4.8 2/3/08
HAM-LOG for Windows 1 5.0 4/2/07
Hamlog 4.0 (Macintosh) 1 5.0 8/21/00
HyperLog 4.xx 10 3.1 10/9/07
jLog 4 5.0 2/12/08
jLog for Mac, Kinux and Windows 0
KA1VGM NetManager 2 3.0 4/25/07
KLog 3 4.7 10/31/07
KLog ver 1.1.31 – 5.1 Mb 0
Kwiklog Classic 2 2.5 12/13/04
Log Window 32 4.2 1/4/08
LOG-EQF ver 9.06 19 4.6 2/12/07
Logger 34 4.4 3/21/06
Logger32 36 4.3 1/19/08
LOGic 5.0 for Windows 24 3.6 10/16/03
Logic 6 for Windows 5 4.8 2/28/04
LOGic 7 for Windows 10 4.8 2/20/06
LOGic 8 – Logging for windows 14 4.9 1/22/08
Lux-Log 6 4.8 8/4/03
MacLoggerDX 64 4.9 2/12/08
McQ_Log 1 5.0 6/9/02
MicroLog by WA0H 3 5.0 10/23/07
miLog 9 4.8 8/6/07
MobileLog – Logging software for
PocketPC PDAs 1 5.0 3/4/04
MobileLog for PocketPC (WindowsCE) 0
MobileLog for PocketPC (WindowsCE) 0
N1MMlogger 49 4.9 2/11/08
N3FJP Contesting Software 29 4.9 7/8/07
NA by K8CC 3 5.0 4/22/06
Paper Chasers Log 0
Paper Chasers Log – PCL 0
Paper Chasers Log by N0OKS 11 4.7 12/13/07
Paper Chasers Log by N0OKS 0
PortaLog by HamHeld 1 5.0 5/9/05
PRL 3.0 (Palm Radio Log) 0
Prolog 3 4.7 8/4/07
Prolog2K 42 4.8 1/11/08
Rabbit Logger ver 10.5 3 3.3 6/15/02
RCKLog 3 5.0 2/25/07
RodLog 1 5.0 12/2/07
RoverLog 0
SCR-Log for School Club Roundup 0
SD by EI5DI 15 5.0 1/23/08
Sharps Logger 0
Shortwave Log 3 3.3 9/2/07
SWISSLOG 8 4.9 7/5/06
TACLog by OZ2M for Fielday 0
TACLog by OZ2M for VHF/UHF
Fieldday 1 5.0 7/17/01
tlf 7 5.0 12/28/07
TRLog by N6TR 7 4.9 12/6/03
TurboLog 3 4.3 2/8/04
Twlog 0
UCXLog 2 5.0 3/17/06
VHFCONT by KC6TEU (freeware) 2 4.5 1/31/08
VHFTEST by WG3E (freeware) 3 5.0 6/11/02
VQLog 20 4.4 7/27/07
Win-EQF 28 4.7 1/12/08
Win-Test contest logging software 16 4.9 8/1/07
Winlog32 33 4.5 12/15/07
WJ2O 6 2.3 1/15/01
WLOG2000 1 5.0 1/16/05
WriteLog by W5XD 34 4.4 12/20/07
xlog 5 4.6 11/11/07
XMLog 15 4.8 5/2/07
YFKlog 1 5.0 11/19/07

Ham Radio Logging Software

Ham Radio Logging Software Macos

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