Ffmpeg Extract Ass Subtitle

3rd video stream, all audio streams, no subtitles. This example uses negative mapping to exclude the subtitles. Ffmpeg -i input -map 0:v:2 -map 0:a -map -0:s -c copy output Choosing streams from multiple inputs. All video from input 0, all audio from input 1: ffmpeg -i input0 -i input1 -map 0:v -map 1:a -c copy output. Say you want to extract the Spanish subtitle to an SRT file. When converting, ffmpeg will pick the first suitable stream that it finds – by default, then, you will get the English subtitle. To avoid this, you can use -map to select the Spanish subtitle for output.

After a long and delightful time using Elementary OS as my primary OS, I’ve had to switch to Mac OS for work and also due to my computer spontaneously combusting. I exaggerate but the thing decided to go to sleep and never wake up. In any case, I noticed that every time I tried to add srt subtitle files to QuickTime when watching a movie or show, it didn’t work as it did with VLC, that is to say via a simple drag and drop. I found it frustrating and had to look up a quick fix. This article will go over how to use ffmpeg to add srt files to .mp4 files so that QuickTime can recognize them.


Dec 10, 2017 Render.ASS subtitles in a video ffmpeg -i INPUT.avi -vf ass=SUBTITLES.ass -qmin 1 -qmax 3 OUTPUT-WITH-SUBS.avi Output to a PAL DVD with top and bottom black bars padding and subtitles. This is adjusted for a 720:304 video. Ffmpeg -i INPUT.avi -target pal-dvd -vf 'scale=720:304, pad=720:576:0:136, ass=subtitles.ass' -y OUTPUT-WITH-SUBS.mpg. The current default is 'asswithtimings' for compatibility. This means that: all subtitles text decoders currently still output ASS with timings printed: as strings in the AVSubtitles.rectsN-ass fields. Setting 'subtextformat' to 'ass' allows a better timing accuracy (ASS: timing is limited to a 1/100 time base, so this is relevant for. Ffmpeg -i inputfile.mkv -vn -an -codec:s ass subs.ass works no problem. Ffmpeg -i subs.ass output.srt says. Output file is empty, nothing was encoded (check -ss / -t / -frames parameters if used) my codecs say (amongst others).


  • ffmpeg (If you don’t have it installed, do so using brew: brew install ffmpeg)

Lights, Camera, Action

To embed the srt file into your mp4 file, run the following command:

Ffmpeg Remove Subtitle

In the command above:

  • yourVideo.mp4 is the mp4 file in which you want to embed your subtitle file.
  • yourSubtitle.srt is the srt subtitle file you want to embed
  • eng is the language of the subtitle file
  • yourOutputVideo.mp4 is the final video that will have the subtitle file embedded in it

Ffmpeg Extract Vobsub

That should do it. Cheers