Famous Libra Serial Killers

New Line Cinema
  1. Libra (42 Serial Killers) Who’d have guessed Libra could become so ruthless? Their killings were, predictably, much less bloody than most others. Strangulation, torture and rape, and taking the victim’s possessions as “trophies” are all standard tactics, as is locking up at least a few of the targets and displaying them afterwards.
  2. And when Libra rises (as for Berkowitz), the same thing is true: the lord of the 1st is also the lord of the 8th. Of course not every Aries or Libra rising is a serial killer, thank God, or else 1/6 of the population would be going on killing sprees! But this configuration has a weakness that can be exploited by other, more specific, more.

Rodney “The Dating Game Killer” Alcala 8-130 victims 2. Richard “The Angel of Death” Angelo 8 victims 3. Paul “The Schoolgirl Killer” Bernardo 3-4 victims 4. Richard “The Thrill Killer” Biegenwald 6-9+ victims 5. Albert “The Boston Strangler” DeSalvo 13 victims 6. Ed “Psycho” Gein 2+ victims 7.

We all have a morbid obsession of some kind.

Maybe you like watching zit-popping videos on YouTube, or you can't stop biting your nails.

But if there's one obsession all of America has in common, it's the one we have with serial killers. We can't understand them, yet we can't stop trying to figure them out.

I, for one, can't stop listening to true crime podcasts (just to scale back on the fearmongering in the news these days), and I've decided to combine this morbid curiosity with my obsession with astrology.

So, here's which famous serial killer you'd be, based on your zodiac sign:

Aries: Paul John Knowles, aka 'The Casanova Killer'

I've always said Aries are the babies of the zodiac.

They are impulsive and foolish, and they're so sensitive to rejection it's like their lives depend on the acceptance and praise of others.

Paul John Knowles, aka 'The Casanova Killer,' is a great example of an Aries who didn't get that acceptance.

After being given up to a foster home at a young age, Knowles never seemed to get over the fact that he was unwanted. He logged his first arrest at age 19 and met his future fiancée in jail.

His future bride-to-be was a divorcée who shelled out the money to get him released from prison, but soon after, she called off the engagement.

Knowles, a typical Aries, impulsively began his cross-country killing spree that night, and he racked up between 18 to 35 victims within one year.

Even as killers, Aries have a lot of power and drive in the beginning, but they have trouble planning things well.

And that's just like Casanova, who got shot in the chest at the end of his year-long murder spree in an attempt to escape while he was handcuffed in the cop car.

Taurus: Danny Rolling, aka 'The Gainesville Ripper'

Taurus is an elaborate and sensual sign, and they're extremely sensitive to the appearance of their surroundings.

They are extremely artistic, determined and thorough in everything they do.

They're also careful to create a certain atmosphere in their environment, even if it's a horrifying one.

The Gainesville Ripper set his victims' bodies on display as though he was making an art instillation.

He even decapitated one victim and placed her head on a bookshelf as a display to the police when they arrived.

In one case, he surrounded a victim's beds with mirrors for maximum effect.

Real sick shit, Taurus. You all should be ashamed of yourselves, feng shui and all.

Gemini: Jasmiyah and Tasmiyah Whitehead, aka 'The Twisted Twins'


Gemini is the sign of the twins. It is represented by the third house of siblings, and Geminis are known for being two-faced.

Famous libra serial killers 2019

They're very attached to their siblings, and they are loyal to their sisters and brothers above anyone else.

The Whitehead twins stabbed, strangled and severed their mother's spinal cord together before going to school one morning when they were both 16 years of age.

When police arrived at their home, they appeared completely innocent — crying and distraught — but their innocence had a much darker side.

Thankfully, unlike the twins, the stories they told the police were not an exact match, and they've been jailed together ever since.

The Whitehead twins showed two very different faces when confronted by police at the scene of the crime, just like a Gemini would.

Cancer: Ed Gein, aka 'The Mad Butcher'

The sign of Cancer has serious mom issues. Cancers are either extremely attached to their moms, or they're deeply resentful of the alienation they feel toward them.

Regardless of the quality of the relationship, every Cancer has an unusually deep connection with their mother.

They are often homebodies who design their homes to be sanctuaries to which they can retreat.

This is why Cancer would be best represented by the infamous killer Ed Gein, who, following his mother's death, dug up the graves of recently buried women who resembled his mother and then used their body parts to furnish his house.

Are There Any Libra Serial Killers

Leo: Dennis Rader, aka 'The BTK Killer'

No true Leo could do anything without craving at least some attention.

Without the notoriety, a Leo would feel as though their experiences never happened.

Unfortunately, for a serial killer, having a deep need for attention really fucks with the whole not getting caught aspect of murdering people.

This was the downfall for Dennis Rader, the BTK Killer.

Obsessed with notoriety, Rader sent taunting letters to police under the name BTK, which stood for 'Bind, Torture, Kill.'

In these letters, he bragged about stalking his victims before breaking into their homes, binding their limbs and strangling them.

In 2005, he sent a floppy disc to the press, who traced the package and found him.

Rader was arrested and charged, and he immediately confessed. He finally got the twisted sort of 'credit' he felt he deserved.

Virgo: Leonarda Cianciulli, aka 'The Soap-Maker of Correggio'

Leonarda Cianciulli was a typical Italian housewife. She baked teacakes and made homemade soap.

She was as crafty as any Virgo, the sign with an incredible knack for making homemade gifts.

But, Leonards's recipes included a secret ingredient: human flesh.

What sets her apart from other serial killers is what sets Virgo apart from other signs. Everything she did was an act of service, however twisted.

When Leonarda heard her son was to be drafted into the Italian Army, she believed the only way to protect him in battle was by human sacrifice.

So, she murdered three women in Italy by offering them a glass of drugged wine before killing them with an axe and cutting up the corpses to make teacakes, which were served to her family.

As for the soap? Well, she used it for bathing.

That Virgo reputation for being a clean freak has a whole new meaning now, doesn't it?

Libra: Andrei Chikatilo, aka 'The Butcher of Rostov'

Libra is generally a really peaceful sign, but if a Libra kills, it's going to be for the sake of justice. They simply can't stand that life isn't fair.

Andrei Chikatilo is a perfect example of Libra's compulsive need to balance the scales.

Chikatilo was born during a historical time of starvation. His family ate grass and leaves to survive, and his older brother was reportedly kidnapped and cannibalized.

On top of that, he was impotent.

It was during his first murder that he realized he was only able to achieve an orgasm through stabbing, slashing and cannibalizing women and children.

He went on to murder and cannibalize over 52 victims, women and children alike, in some twisted attempt to seek justice against the world for both his brother and the life he was born into.

Things aren't fair, Libra. You want justice, go to law school.

Scorpio: Charles Manson

Charles Manson is the perfect example of a Scorpio's ability to look into and manipulate the minds of others.

They have an uncanny ability to perceive your innermost fears and insecurities and to exploit them for their own personal gain, which is exactly the kind of skill that a man like Charles Manson needed.

He also had the charisma of a Scorpio, endowing him with the ability to to brainwash his followers into killing nine people in five weeks over the summer of 1969.

The power of the Scorpio charisma was so intense in him that even after being jailed and caught, he became an emblem of violence, insanity and the macabre in society that has lasted until this day.

Sagittarius: Ted Bundy, aka 'The Co-ed Killer'

Sagittarius is a sign that's notoriously hard to pin down, and Ted Bundy is a perfect example of that, having escaped from prison twice to go on to perform even more killings.

People of this sign appear friendly and disarming, so it makes sense Bundy was capable of approaching his victims in public places and then leading them to secluded areas where he would sexually assault and kill them.

Sagittarius is the sign of the archer, and as the natural competitors that they are, this Sagittarius psychopath kept the severed heads of his victims in his apartment as trophies.

Capricorn: John George Haigh, aka 'The Acid Bath Murderer'

Capricorns are natural businessmen, so if they're going to go into the business of mass murdering people, they're going do it for money.

John Haigh, like any Capricorn, knew how to make some dough off of his twisted talent.

He would con wealthy individuals and charm them into believing he was a successful businessman. After that, he'd lure his victims to a derelict warehouse before shooting them.

Then, he would dissolve their bodies in sulfuric acid before forging papers in order to sell their possessions and collect their life savings.

Because if you're a Capricorn who loves to kill people, there's still nothing you love more than money.

Aquarius: Bob Berdella, aka 'The Kansas City Butcher'

Aquarians are innovators, experimenters, inventors and the mad scientists of the zodiac, which is why when Bob Berdella was finally caught for kidnapping, torturing and murdering six men, police found over 200 photos of his victims and detailed torture logs.

Apparently, Bordella went about torturing his victims the way Aquarians go about doing anything else: by experimenting.

Bordella used different kinds of devices, at one point placing a spatula over the eye of a young man and electrocuting him in an attempt to blind him, unsuccessfully.

He considered himself some kind of macabre scientist.

Pisces: John Wayne Gacy, aka 'The Killer Clown'

Leave it to the sign of Pisces to get into serial killing by way of a charity event.

This sign is known for being dreamers and self-sacrificing idealists. But, the shadow side of those qualities in every Pisces is the capacity for drifting away in nasty fantasies or destructive ideologies.

John Wayne Gacy became known as the 'Killer Clown' due to his charitable services at fundraising events, parades and children's parties, where he would dress up as 'Pogo the Clown,' a character he devised himself.

Gacy struggled with accepting his own homosexuality, which may have been tied to the sexual assault and murder of the 33 boys whom he buried in the crawl space of his own home.

It's every Pisces goal to live their dreams, but unfortunately, John Wayne Gacy's 'dreams' were of the 'unspeakable nightmare' variety.

Stay positive, Pisces. Lives are depending on it.

We like to celebrate the unusual here on Ways to Die. Anything that is a little different, hasn’t been done more and is of interest to you, the reader. Such is the case with this article on zodiac signs of serial killers. For many, this will be of no interest whatsoever, but there are a good number of readers who have asked about this and we felt it was our duty to provide.

This information is not so readily available because any search for “Zodiac Signs of Serial killers” throws-up results of the Zodiac Killer, who we have covered before as well. So, hopefully this article will start showing up instead and you’ll get the info that you need. When that starts to happen, we’ll look to expand it, making sure it covers any and all zodiac signs of serial killers that we know about.

What follows is a list of birthdays of serial killers, focusing on their zodiac signs. We’ve also picked out some negative traits of these signs. We’re not suggesting that these are the reason the people mentioned became killers. We actually had a poll and no one in the WTD offices believes in astrology or reads horoscopes, but there are many who do and this really is for them. Plus, no matter what you think, it is a fascinating subject. We love reading and writing about it.


As always, be sure to follow any hyperlinks you see if you want to learn more about a specific serial killer, as they all point to pages here on the Ways to Die website.

Aquarius Serial Killers (Jan 20 to Feb 18)

Aquarius does not like broken promises. It can anger them when someone promises one thing and delivers another. They have a severe distaste for people who are boring and they are always looking for excitement. Could this lead to serial killers who lash out and kill for fun? Could we have a few real life Patrick Batemans?

  • Gary Ridgway (Born February 18, 1949): One of the most notorious serial killers in the United States, with a kill count that is said to be the country’s highest. Also known as the Green River Killer.
  • Lee Boyd Malvo (Born February 18, 1985)
  • David Birnie (Born February 16, 1951)
  • Joel Rifkin (Born January 20, 1959)
  • John Bodkin Adams (Born January 21, 1899)
  • Luis Alfredo Garavito (Born January 25, 1957): Known as “The Beast”, Garavito is one of the most prolific serial killers in history, admitting to the rare, torture and murder of nearly 150 boys and suspected of killing over 400.

Pisces Serial Killers (Feb 19 to March 20)

The Pisces doesn’t like being alone and they hate being criticized. They are compassionate and artistic, but the same has been said for many serial killers. So, which serial killers have the Pisces zodiac sign? Let’s take a look.

  • Aileen Wuornos(Born February 29, 1956): An angry woman who had many issues in her past. She killed several men, seemingly without remorse.
  • John Wayne Gacy (Born March 17, 1942): A Killer who dressed as a clown. He certainly seemed to be artistic, but compassionate he was not.
  • Dennis Radar(Born March 9, 1945): A family man who got away with his crimes for many years. He was caught because of his desire to be infamous and to toy with police. Also known as BTK, or “Bind. Torture. Kill.”
  • Stephen Port (Born February 22, 1975)
  • Robert Napper (Born February 25, 1966)
  • Colin Ireland (Born March 16, 1954)
  • Peter Manuel: A Scottish serial killer.
  • Doug Clark (Born March 10, 1948)

Aries Serial Killers (Mar 21 to Apr 19)


Famous Libra Serial Killers 2020

They are determined and confident, but they can also be short-temper and impulsive. They are leaders who enjoy challenges and may see themselves as the strongest, best and most capable, traits that can be very useful and can lead to success in all walks of life, but ones that can also have a dark side.

  • Alexander Pichushkin (Born April 9, 1974): A Russian serial killer who is said to have killed as many as 60 people.
  • John Reginald Christie (Born April 8, 1899): An infamous serial killer who was active during the 1940s and 1950s.
  • Herbert Mullin (Born April 18, 1947)
  • Henri Desire Landru (Born April 12, 1869)
  • Judy Buenoana(Born April 4, 1943)
How many serial killers are libras

Taurus Serial Killers (Apr 20 to May 20)

Although reliable, Taurus can also be stubborn and possessive. They don’t like anything too complicated, they despise insecurities and they don’t do well with changes. They are devoted, patient and hard-working, traits which can make for a great personality in someone who is stable and good-natured, and an evil manipulator in someone who is not.

  • H. H. Holmes (Born May 16, 1861): Said to be America’s first modern serial killer, Holmes created a murder castle and was almost ingenious in his unspeakable evil. An intelligent, devious man who chased money more than anything else.
  • Michael Ryan (Born May 18, 1960): The man behind The Hungerford Massacre. He armed himself with assault rifles and launched an attack on his sleepy, suburban community, before killing himself.
  • David Copeland (Born May 15, 1976): Known as the London Nail Bomber, Copeland was your average Neo-Nazi scum who made it his mission to kill and maim anyone who wasn’t as white and as crazy as he was.
  • Karla Homolka (Born May 4, 1970): A Canadian serial killer who raped and murdered several children along with her husband.
  • Albert Fish (Born May 19, 1870): One of the most well known serial killers in the US, his nicknames included The Gray Man and Werewolf of Wysteria. A real life Bogey Man, Fish was a child rapist and a cannibal. If this serial killer birthday matches yours, then you’re entitled to feel a little sick right now.
  • Levi Bellfield (Born May 17, 1968): A child killer and rapist in the United Kingdom.
  • Orville Lynn Majors (Born April 24 1961):
  • Robert Black (Born April 21, 1947): A Scottish serial killer and pedophile.
  • Steve Wright (Born April 24 1958): An English serial killer who raped and murdered several women.
  • Martha Beck (Born, May 6, 1920)

Gemini Serial Killers (May 21 to Jun 20)

The Gemini is thought to be nervous and gentle, traits you wouldn’t expect to see in a serial killer. Far from being loners, they tend not to like being alone. They also hate being confined and don’t work well with routine, always seeking something different. Their adaptability can help them to fit into any new environment and social circle, which means they can hide any dark side better than most.

  • David Berkowitz (Born June 1, 1953): Also known as the Son of Sam. A loner who shot multiple people, apparently because he worshipped satan, but mainly because he had a few screws loose.
  • Jeffrey Dahmer(Born May 21, 1960): The stereotypical serial killer. He was a loner, he abused animals as a child, and he performed unspeakable acts on living and dead victims.
  • Peter Sutcliffe (Born June 2, 1946): Better known as The Yorkshire Ripper. He killed prostitutes in 1970s England because of what was described as a “severe distaste for women”.
  • Richard Chase (Born May 23, 1950)
  • Ted Kaczynski:(Born May 22, 1942): Also known as the Unabomber, an American terrorist.
  • Trevor Hardy (Born June 11, 1945)

Cancer Serial Killers (Jun 21 to July 22)

The Cancer does not like it when someone criticizes them or the ones they love. They can also be very moody and tenacious. This makes them more prone to lashing out. If you believe in astrology then you might expect this to be one of the main zodiac signs for serial killers. However, we could find very few that serial killers with Cancer as a zodiac sign, none of which were particularly infamous or well known.

  • Robert Maudsley (Born June 26, 1953): Responsible for the death of 4 people, three of which he killed while he was in prison for the first murder.

Leo Serial Killers (July 23 to Aug 22)

We often see serial killers as arrogant, struggling to grasp reality. They don’t like being treated like they are not the most important person in the room. Well, these are also traits that you will find associated with Leo. So, does that mean this is a zodiac sign that many serial killers have?

  • Myra Hindley(Born July 23, 1942): One of the most infamous female serial killers in the history of the UK.
  • Raymond Morris (Born August 13, 1929)
  • John George Haigh (Born July 24, 1909)
  • Anatoly Onoprienko (Born July 25, 1959): Active in Ukraine and known as Citizen O. One of the world’s worst serial killers based on the number of victims he claimed.

Virgo Serial Killers (Aug 23 to Sep 22)

Many serial killers begin by torturing animals, but one of the traits of Virgo is a love of animals. However, they are also known to be rude and they dislike asking for help, believing that they can go it alone. There is a certain perfectionism associated with them as well, which is something that we often see portrayed in serial killers on the silver screen and in books. But what about real life? Is this one of the main zodiac signs of serial killers?

  • Ed Gein(Born August 26, 1906): A loner who the Psycho film was based on. He kept skin from his victims and used it to adorn his home and create a suit of skin.
  • Henry Lee Lucas (Born August 23, 1936): Convicted of around a dozen, confessed to many more, but is known to have lied about the majority of these.
  • Peter Tobin(Born August 27, 1946): A convicted serial killer and sex offender who was active between 1991 and 2006. He was born in Johnstone, Scotland, and was imprisoned in Edinburgh.
  • Rodney Alcala (Born August 23, 1943): Was convicted of killing five people in California during the 1970s.
  • Albert DeSalvo (Born September 3, 1931): Better known as the Boston Strangler, he is one of the better known serial killers in the United States. Hs confession was disputed and many believed he didn’t do it, but a DNA test performed in 2013 found that there was a 99.9% chance he did. DeSalvo escaped prison the first time and after being caught and taken to a maximum security prison, he was murdered by another inmate.

Libra Serial Killers (Sep 23 to Oct 22)

Often considered gentle and caring, with a severe distaste for violence, the Libra does not look like someone who would kill, let alone kill multiple times. So, if there was any connection between zodiac signs and serial killers then this would be a good astrological sign to research.

  • Fred West (Born, September 29, 1941): A man who murdered alongside his wife and was known to torture and kill young girls, including his own children. One of the worst serial killers ever.
  • Beverley Allitt (Born October 4, 1968)

Scorpio Serial Killers (Oct 23 to Nov 21)

Seen as truthful but stubborn, the Scorpio can also get very jealous. They are brave, but they can be violent, resourceful and secretive, which are traits you wouldn’t be surprised to find in serial killers.

  • Moses Sithole(Born, November 17, 1964): A deranged serial killer that we looked at in our Black Serial Killers article. He was definitely violent and secretive, but also deranged.
  • Robert Pickton(Born, October 24, 1949)
  • Fritz Haarman (Born, October 25, 1879)

Sagittarius Serial Killers (Nov 22 to Dec 21)

The Sagittarius likes to be free. They love to travel, see the world. But the same could be said for many killers who have done their bidding in far off corners of the globe. Their love of outdoors can make them strong and independent, while their distaste for clingy people could make them a little less compassionate and empathetic.

  • Dennis Nilsen (Born, November 23, 1945): A British serial killer who targeted young gay men he knew no one would miss, before burning or flushing his victims.
  • Ted Bundy: A charismatic serial killer who killed many young women and then defended himself in court. He was sentenced to death for his crimes.
  • Rose West (Born, November 29, 1953): The wife of Fred West, a woman who mirrored his sickening evil and helped him to kill young girls.
  • Derrick Bird (Born, November 27, 1957)
  • Edward Kemper(Born December 18, 1948)
  • Ray Fernandez (Born December 17, 1914)

Capricorn Serial Killers (Dec 22 to Jan 19)

Capricorns are said to have as many dislikes as there are things in the world. In other words, there will come a time and a mood where everything is hated by them. On the flip side, they are family people who love closeness and tradition, but what happens when these things are broken? Have these traits led to anything more serious in the past? This is the last look for our Zodiac Signs of Serial Killers guide, and it could be the most telling.

  • Harold Shipman (Born, January 14, 1946): Known as Doctor Death, he killed hundreds. He was an addict doctor who took the lives of many of his patients using large doses of morphine. We discussed him on our Worst Serial Killers article.
  • Stephen Griffths (Born, December 24, 1969): Known as the Crossbow Cannibal, he killed three women in Bradford, England.
  • Janie Lou Gibbs (Born, December 25, 1932)
  • John Allen Muhammad (Born, December 31, 1960)
  • Dean Arnold Corll(Born, December 24, 1939)
  • Randall Woodfield (Born, December 26, 1950)
  • Ray Copeland (Born, December 30, 1914)

Serial Killer Birthdays: The Worst Day

There isn’t really a single day that stands out as producing the most serial killers. However, you will notice that April 24 and February 18th standout as having produced a few killers. Statistically, that doesn’t mean anything though, so if you’ve just given birth on these days you probably don’t have anything to worry about.


Conclusion: Do Zodiac Signs Have an Impact on Serial Killers?

Before we wrote this article on Zodiac Signs of Serial Killers, we didn’t believe in astrology and we didn’t think there would be a connection. We still don’t believe, but we find it interesting that there are a few connections based on our sample group of around 50 serial killers.

If you look at the list above, you’ll see that there are very few Cancer serial killers. Yet there are many Taurus ones, while Sagittarius and Gemini lay claim to a lot of names and to some of the most well known killers.

We’ll leave it to you to decide if there is a connection or if it’s just coincidence. But if you have a Taurus friend acting a little suspiciously…keep an eye on them.