It is in one of the dead end paths near the beginning of that level. When you hit the dead end at first, you will see only a normal stone wall, no indication of a hidden door. You have to go back. Thieves Guild is a side location - you don't need to visit it in order to complete the game, however, you must get there if you want to unlock a secret room in Vault of Linder Kemm. In order to reach the Guild, you must first enter the sewers - its entrance is presented in the picture above. The secret door that lead to the Thieves Guild. Go to house on the west side of dwarf wedding (you'll find it on the northside of barracks that guarded with 2 dwarves), you will see basement door, but first let the 1 or 2 npc away/deceive with dark fog/kill them.
- Arx Thieves Guild Locations
- Arx Thieves Guild Location Rs3
- Arx Thieves Guild Location Eso
- Thieves Guild Rs3
- Arx Thieves Guild Location
- Arx Thieves Guild Location In Elder Scrolls Online
Group: Chapter 6 - The Hunt for Dallis
Starting Map: Arx
The easiest and the fastest way to add this quest to your journal is to talk to Ramn Oak. You will find him at the city square in Arx
Related points of interest
Ramn OakArx
Big TomorrahArx
Religious PaintingArx
Paladin DeSelbyArx
Cat the AppraiserArx
An Unusual PaintingArx
Lord ArhuArx
Beryl GriffArx
Garden LeverArx
To Kemm's Vault - Floor OneArx
Quest stages of The Vault of Linder Kemm
1. Lucian Painting
Talk to Ramn Oak.
We've learned Lord Kemm apparently possesses a famous painting called 'The Second Passion of Lucian'. A copy can be found at the Cathedral.
2. Thieves Guild The Lever
Big Tomorrah told us that there is a lever in Lord Kemm's garden that reveals a secret hatch to his vaults.
3. Thieves Guild Know Painting
Talk to Big Tomorrah and convince her to tell you from where she got the picture.
3.1. Thieves Guild Painting Offer Made
The price is 10.000 gold.
Big Tomorrah named her price for the painting.
3.1.1. Thieves Guild Bought Painting
We bought the painting.
4. Thieves Guild Got Painting
We acquired the painting.
Arx Thieves Guild Locations
5. Paladin Rumor
Talk to Paladin DeSelby.
We've learned of rumours that Kemm has secret chambers within his mansion. Perhaps he has valuables... or something else that he wishes to keep hidden from sight.
6. Mother Rumor
Talk to Beryl Griff and help her. You need to complete School's Out quest.
Beryl Griff told us that Kemm always keeps his bedchamber locked. She believes that he's concealed all sorts of trapdoors and ladders from his wife.
7. Appraiser Secret
Talk to Cat the Appraiser and convince her.
Cat the Appraiser told us that Kemm has a massive vault hidden beneath his mansion. There, it's believed he keeps all of his most valuable possessions.
8. Kemm Vault Lower Water
Go to Lord Kemm's Gardens and find Garden Lever. It's hidden and locked. Use it.
We have drained the water from a pool in Kemm's garden, revealing a hatch. Where does it lead...?
9. Kemm Vault Entered The Vault
Find the hatch and enter the vault - To Kemm's Vault - Floor One
We have entered Kemm's vault.
10. Kemm Vault Ghost Painting
Go to Kemm's Vault and find Religious Painting. You have to cast Spirit Vision to see it.
We saw a curious painting in Kemm's vault. It looks like 'The Second Passion of Lucian', but something seems off about it.
11. Kemm Vault Ghost Painting Solved
You need An Unusual Painting to fix it. It will unlock the hidden passage.
*Complete the triptych - return the real Second Passion of Lucian to its rightful place.*
The result will be ...
We put the true 'Second Passion of Lucian' in the spot where the copy was.
12. Eighth Shrine Entered
Enter the room with hidden altar inside - To Kemm's Vault - Hidden Altar / Kemm's Vault - Hidden Altar (Entrance/Exit).

There is a hidden altar in Kemm's altar to the God King.
13. Eighth Shrine Talked To Eighth
Talk to the Altar of The God King.
The voice of the God King warned us to abandon our quest, or face the consequences.
14. Eighth Shrine Talked To Eighth Sworn
The voice of the God King spoke, and bid those who follow him to do his bidding - to go beyond the altar and succeed where another of his servants is failing him... In order to proceed, a 'weighty gift' must be placed on the altar.
15. Eighth Shrine Open
Place the Responsibility Painting on the ground near the altar.
We managed to reveal an opening beyond the altar. Now to see what lies within...
16. Arhu Prison On Sight
Come near Lord Arhu.
Lord Arhu is being held prisoner in Kemm's vault.
17. Arhu Prison Kemm Reveal
Kemm is a Sworn follower of the God King. He is to prevent anyone from ever entering the Tomb of Lucian.
18. Arhu Prison Kemm Defeat
Kemm is dead.
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Group: Chapter 6 - The Hunt for Dallis
Starting Map: Arx
The easiest and the fastest way to add this quest to your journal is to talk to Ramn Oak. You will find him at the city square in Arx
Related points of interest
Ramn OakArx
Big TomorrahArx
Religious PaintingArx
Paladin DeSelbyArx
Cat the AppraiserArx
An Unusual PaintingArx
Lord ArhuArx
Beryl GriffArx
Garden LeverArx
Arx Thieves Guild Location Rs3
To Kemm's Vault - Floor OneArx
Quest stages of The Vault of Linder Kemm
1. Lucian Painting
Talk to Ramn Oak.

We've learned Lord Kemm apparently possesses a famous painting called 'The Second Passion of Lucian'. A copy can be found at the Cathedral.
2. Thieves Guild The Lever
Big Tomorrah told us that there is a lever in Lord Kemm's garden that reveals a secret hatch to his vaults.
3. Thieves Guild Know Painting
Talk to Big Tomorrah and convince her to tell you from where she got the picture.
3.1. Thieves Guild Painting Offer Made
The price is 10.000 gold.
Big Tomorrah named her price for the painting.
3.1.1. Thieves Guild Bought Painting
We bought the painting.
4. Thieves Guild Got Painting
We acquired the painting.
5. Paladin Rumor
Talk to Paladin DeSelby.
We've learned of rumours that Kemm has secret chambers within his mansion. Perhaps he has valuables... or something else that he wishes to keep hidden from sight.
6. Mother Rumor
Talk to Beryl Griff and help her. You need to complete School's Out quest.
Beryl Griff told us that Kemm always keeps his bedchamber locked. She believes that he's concealed all sorts of trapdoors and ladders from his wife.
7. Appraiser Secret
Talk to Cat the Appraiser and convince her.
Cat the Appraiser told us that Kemm has a massive vault hidden beneath his mansion. There, it's believed he keeps all of his most valuable possessions.
8. Kemm Vault Lower Water
Go to Lord Kemm's Gardens and find Garden Lever. It's hidden and locked. Use it.
We have drained the water from a pool in Kemm's garden, revealing a hatch. Where does it lead...?
9. Kemm Vault Entered The Vault
Find the hatch and enter the vault - To Kemm's Vault - Floor One
We have entered Kemm's vault.
10. Kemm Vault Ghost Painting
Go to Kemm's Vault and find Religious Painting. You have to cast Spirit Vision to see it.
We saw a curious painting in Kemm's vault. It looks like 'The Second Passion of Lucian', but something seems off about it.
11. Kemm Vault Ghost Painting Solved
Arx Thieves Guild Location Eso
You need An Unusual Painting to fix it. It will unlock the hidden passage.
*Complete the triptych - return the real Second Passion of Lucian to its rightful place.*
The result will be ...
We put the true 'Second Passion of Lucian' in the spot where the copy was.
12. Eighth Shrine Entered
Enter the room with hidden altar inside - To Kemm's Vault - Hidden Altar / Kemm's Vault - Hidden Altar (Entrance/Exit).
There is a hidden altar in Kemm's altar to the God King.
13. Eighth Shrine Talked To Eighth
Thieves Guild Rs3
Talk to the Altar of The God King.
The voice of the God King warned us to abandon our quest, or face the consequences.
14. Eighth Shrine Talked To Eighth Sworn
The voice of the God King spoke, and bid those who follow him to do his bidding - to go beyond the altar and succeed where another of his servants is failing him... In order to proceed, a 'weighty gift' must be placed on the altar.
15. Eighth Shrine Open
Place the Responsibility Painting on the ground near the altar.
We managed to reveal an opening beyond the altar. Now to see what lies within...
16. Arhu Prison On Sight
Come near Lord Arhu.
Lord Arhu is being held prisoner in Kemm's vault.
17. Arhu Prison Kemm Reveal
Kemm is a Sworn follower of the God King. He is to prevent anyone from ever entering the Tomb of Lucian.
18. Arhu Prison Kemm Defeat
Arx Thieves Guild Location
Kemm is dead.
Arx Thieves Guild Location In Elder Scrolls Online
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